In the Noughties, it looks like the Daily Telegraph, once an honest rag (no longer), is keen that Jim Rogers is set up in the manner you describe. Have you read that vicious assassination today?
The myth of debt fueled-growth is gaining momentum as I type.
God help us all.
inkibertJune 13, 2010
I wonder on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is it and how much debt is our nation now in I stopped counting some time ago.
Excellant documentary Renegade Economist look forward to the next one
bastardtubeuserJune 13, 2010
the figures are complete nonsence, the actual capital non existant , we should burn it all and those resposible .
inkibertJune 13, 2010
i say they should be killed in a capitalist manner,gladiator arenas and if they wont fight let loose the lions.sell the tickets on ebay and tv rights to sky
RenegadeTimesJune 13, 2010
‘I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson ~ 3rd President of the United States ( 1801-1809 )
Graham6762June 13, 2010
socialists want to destroy everything
inkey2June 13, 2010
to Inkibert: in my amature opinion as someone that has always been interested in following the economy I believe on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst)……I think the USA is at a “7”
aranigaJune 13, 2010
I say sell TV rights to every station that wants em. I don’t want to be missing out on that here in Canada.
HughStirlingJune 13, 2010
yes very true – like standards, welath creation, ambition, aspiration – all of the things they detest
DystopianUtopiaJune 13, 2010
This video makes very little sense, because it makes some very good points, and then turns its attention away from the root cause of the problem. It is blaming so-called “capitalism” for the problems, and yet all of this video critisized government policies, regulation, and intervention. I myself am a typical laissez-faire ‘capitalist’, and I agree strongly with points made here.
DystopianUtopiaJune 13, 2010
(Continuing from my last comment) I disagree strongly with Keynsianism, and I believe that governments have been creating artifical bubbles that have led us into this recession.
DystopianUtopiaJune 13, 2010
Policies of easy money have made artifical booms, rather than long term sustained growth. This is nothing to do with capitalism, capitalism itself is the economic theory in which markets are free, and where the government stays out of economic affairs. What we’ve been living in lately is not capitalism; it’s corporatism. What we need are free-markets, laissez-faire capitalism with sound monetary policy (returning to the gold standard could achieve this), and the future would be bright.
bcnloftJune 13, 2010
For free-market economists to expect that the markets are efficient and fair (without information imbalance) is like the people expecting leftists governments in power to solve inequality… none care for the average citizen. Can’t there be a way that the world is more just in a distributed way without central control?
mgore90June 13, 2010
Why are modern politicians so unable to be this eloquent and coincide?
It’s shame, that the 10% of people that an swing an election one way or the other, are best won over with emotion and fear.
Ajkot69June 13, 2010
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Chosuico86June 12, 2010
If you want to take advantage of the roulette sites, check out Roulette Secret website!
In the Noughties, it looks like the Daily Telegraph, once an honest rag (no longer), is keen that Jim Rogers is set up in the manner you describe. Have you read that vicious assassination today?
The myth of debt fueled-growth is gaining momentum as I type.
God help us all.
I wonder on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is it and how much debt is our nation now in I stopped counting some time ago.
Excellant documentary Renegade Economist look forward to the next one
the figures are complete nonsence, the actual capital non existant , we should burn it all and those resposible .
i say they should be killed in a capitalist manner,gladiator arenas and if they wont fight let loose the lions.sell the tickets on ebay and tv rights to sky
‘I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson ~ 3rd President of the United States ( 1801-1809 )
socialists want to destroy everything
to Inkibert: in my amature opinion as someone that has always been interested in following the economy I believe on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst)……I think the USA is at a “7”
I say sell TV rights to every station that wants em. I don’t want to be missing out on that here in Canada.
yes very true – like standards, welath creation, ambition, aspiration – all of the things they detest
This video makes very little sense, because it makes some very good points, and then turns its attention away from the root cause of the problem. It is blaming so-called “capitalism” for the problems, and yet all of this video critisized government policies, regulation, and intervention. I myself am a typical laissez-faire ‘capitalist’, and I agree strongly with points made here.
(Continuing from my last comment) I disagree strongly with Keynsianism, and I believe that governments have been creating artifical bubbles that have led us into this recession.
Policies of easy money have made artifical booms, rather than long term sustained growth. This is nothing to do with capitalism, capitalism itself is the economic theory in which markets are free, and where the government stays out of economic affairs. What we’ve been living in lately is not capitalism; it’s corporatism. What we need are free-markets, laissez-faire capitalism with sound monetary policy (returning to the gold standard could achieve this), and the future would be bright.
For free-market economists to expect that the markets are efficient and fair (without information imbalance) is like the people expecting leftists governments in power to solve inequality… none care for the average citizen. Can’t there be a way that the world is more just in a distributed way without central control?
Why are modern politicians so unable to be this eloquent and coincide?
It’s shame, that the 10% of people that an swing an election one way or the other, are best won over with emotion and fear.
There is a way you can always win 🙂 Check Roulette Secret website!
Roulette Secret method is the best so far that i’ve tried.
Thnx to my friend i just got some easy money! He sent me to Roulette Secret site!
People if you care about winning then check Roulette Secret site.
If you want to take advantage of the roulette sites, check out Roulette Secret website!