A former professional gambler explains why playing a slot machine is no way to win. He explains why winning at slots is not random, and why no skill is involved. He demonstrates how to program one of the popular slot machine models, which in itself proves that slot machines are programmed to take your money, instead of paying you a jackpot.
How to Win at Slot Machines
On May 21, 2010
my dad doesnt like to play poker and i told him to give me 100 dollars i won 3000 dollars then i told him to put a 3 dollars in the slot machine and he won 5000 dollars
now my dad every time we go to a casino i play poker then slot machine
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I prefer roulette, one of the games hardest to cheat at
@d4m4s74 past posting
Thanks know my father finally believes me, just seeing I had just turned 21 he never did, but know maybe he will play baccarat and actually have a much larger chance at winning like I have, thanks!
I mean, hardest for the casino to cheat at.
but with all those cameras in a casino past posting is really hard to pull of anyway, so I won’t even try.
WRONG, the best time to play any machine is when its getting full.
if you played a empty machine your chance of winning big is almost nothing,
but if you play a machine that is almost full then your chance is greater
If you would like a real class i would be happy to tell you. I’m not saying this info from non-experience its from working in casinos for over 6 years and dealing with all aspects of the industry. Look up IGT systems, Balley’s, Konami, Aristocrat, these are your large players in the industry; IGT being the biggest. They run whats called slot accounting or floor accounting systems. They work with hold %. The concept that you talk about but are so wrong about.
pre programmed to pay out at a certain percentage
u said that maybe 80 times this video
a certain amount of TIME
And your point is??
the points is… dont throw your money gamblers on slot machines, go play something else like blackjack or poker if you wanna do some profit, but if you wanna throw your money plz call charity or feed some homeless ppl.
Excellent guide to playing (or not playing) “the slots.” Some games are interactive entertainment. They’re only for fun and only if we’ve brought a little money that we’re ready to lose quickly. There’s something appealing about losing at something while being entertained all the while — sorta like repeating the insanity of “putting out” on a first date with a guy who knows how to dazzle you but has very little ROI. lol … And very little — well, you catch my drift.
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why do you keep saying the same thing millions of times? u think we are slow learners?
if the outcome depends on how many people have used it before, then since you don’t know how many people have used it and how much they have put in the machine, then it becomes random actually! you will be lucky if there have been a lot of people and unlucky if they have not!
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if you KNOW how a machine is programmed like I do then you will be successful.. I go down my arcade every weekend and I rake in the money.. I know exactly how the machine plays and I make it streak for tons of money..
lol we get it……its pre programed
but remember guys they are “PRE-PROGRAMMED”XD
@BeanMeister22 trainsworth1 is correct i use to work at IGT in Reno. That is not a slot machine that is just a jap toy.
#OMG #LOL Slots = #FAIL
Well that sucks I love slot machines, but I did pretty much know they were already rigged which is why I usually just stick with pennies or 2 centers. At least I get some play time with those which is fun.
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