Now if you’ve read my blog you know I don’t really care for online roulette games that are controlled by computers that much. Whatever anyone tells me about the randomness of their RNG software I can never quite believe it – maybe I know too many hopeless computer programmers! If I lose in a game of roulette it’s got to be completely down to luck for me, if I win it’s my skill obviously.
But anyway I know a lot of you do like playing in the computer controlled online roulette games so I’ll pass on this bonus I found. It’s for a big casino, I certainly only trust a handful and this one is run by Virgin Games of Richard Branson fame.
Virgin High Roller Bonus Codes
The codes are
highroller350 – for £350 bonus
highroller600 – for £600 bonus
highroller1200 – for the £1200 bonus
You obviously deposit different amounts for each bonus, 3000 for the £1200 bonus and you have to play through the bonus 25 times before you can withdraw. Don’t try Martingale with this – for maximum chance of taking some of that profit away I reckon something like Oscars Grind is probably worth a try. You’ll probably die of boredom but if you turn down the cheesey muzac you might stagger out with some of that bonus in tact!
I may try it but every time I go near those places I stray into the online slots, where I always lose a packet. But if I can stay away from those it might be worth a try. It’s a good trusted casino, with a huge brand name and I know lots of people who do win there quite often.
Oscars Grind and a £3000 deposit – it sounds tempting if I can stand it for a few hours.
This is my favorite slot there, it’s fun but I play it and lose too fast. But you can play it for free on the below link which is nearly as much fun.