i like the way when nickys calm, he actually seems like quite a nice and reasonable person…then he gets angry…
sfumato1002May 9, 2010
De niro has done many movies like awakenings, this boy’s life, the mission, etc…De Niro is one of the best actors in history…he is in another level…But Pesci is a great Mafia actor, and a great actor over all…but you really can’t compare.
jurmain01May 9, 2010
@sfumato1002 bestmob actor iv seen
LETRSMay 9, 2010
“…Ye know who I pray to – Joe Pesci”
“He looks like a guy who can get things done…Joe Pesci Doesn’t fuck around”
– George Carlin
x42bMay 8, 2010
In the end, they fucked it all up LOL
Darkez982May 8, 2010
de niros reaction at 1:02 hahahahaha
quadleaf95May 8, 2010
that skit was fucking hilarious! worship the sun and pray to Pesci, makes sense
suckyamomma30May 8, 2010
Alot of things are gonna change around here.Nicky was right but unfortunatley the change never included him.The change was the end of there era.
iplayhalowhenimboredMay 8, 2010
@x42b right lol what did nicky do to those guys for him and his fucking brother to get killed. i never seent hat part
iplayhalowhenimboredMay 8, 2010
joe and denior have the best arguements lol
x42bMay 8, 2010
@iplayhalowhenimbored In casino Nickey Santoro was out of control. The underbosses ordered him and his brother to be killed. I mean how much more were they going to take. Rent this movie, but it’s not for the young to watch. Lots of swearing and violence, but it’s based on a ture story ( = a must watch !!
iplayhalowhenimboredMay 8, 2010
@x42b yea im 18 ive never gotten the chance to watch it but i deffintley want to. it looks amazing
dirklongestMay 8, 2010
” you think he get the point?” lol
neonfox3May 8, 2010
@Darkez982 deniro always has the best reactions lmao!
mikept242003May 8, 2010
fukinn GD upp
reenlist82May 8, 2010
Why is it all the non italians like carlin find pesci so great? hes a good actor yeah but if this guy really wanted to start something with me all i have to say is bring it on daigo. lol
EchoBoomer1987May 8, 2010
Pesci really should consider doing voice work for a GTA game.
ill put your fuckin brain to sleep!
‘ill crack ya fuckin head open in front of everyone in the bank!’
recota316May 8, 2010
You can fuckin try me fatso! You fuckin try me” lmao
i like the way when nickys calm, he actually seems like quite a nice and reasonable person…then he gets angry…
De niro has done many movies like awakenings, this boy’s life, the mission, etc…De Niro is one of the best actors in history…he is in another level…But Pesci is a great Mafia actor, and a great actor over all…but you really can’t compare.
@sfumato1002 bestmob actor iv seen
“…Ye know who I pray to – Joe Pesci”
“He looks like a guy who can get things done…Joe Pesci Doesn’t fuck around”
– George Carlin
In the end, they fucked it all up LOL
de niros reaction at 1:02 hahahahaha
that skit was fucking hilarious! worship the sun and pray to Pesci, makes sense
Alot of things are gonna change around here.Nicky was right but unfortunatley the change never included him.The change was the end of there era.
@x42b right lol what did nicky do to those guys for him and his fucking brother to get killed. i never seent hat part
joe and denior have the best arguements lol
@iplayhalowhenimbored In casino Nickey Santoro was out of control. The underbosses ordered him and his brother to be killed. I mean how much more were they going to take. Rent this movie, but it’s not for the young to watch. Lots of swearing and violence, but it’s based on a ture story ( = a must watch !!
@x42b yea im 18 ive never gotten the chance to watch it but i deffintley want to. it looks amazing
” you think he get the point?” lol
@Darkez982 deniro always has the best reactions lmao!
fukinn GD upp
Why is it all the non italians like carlin find pesci so great? hes a good actor yeah but if this guy really wanted to start something with me all i have to say is bring it on daigo. lol
Pesci really should consider doing voice work for a GTA game.
ill put your fuckin brain to sleep!
‘ill crack ya fuckin head open in front of everyone in the bank!’
You can fuckin try me fatso! You fuckin try me” lmao
And you JUMP! to different CONCLUSIONS!
Fat irish prick!
“You try me, fatso! You fuckin’ try me”!
The best scene ever in the industry. Hands down.